The Last Tear Stain Kit For White Dogs You Will Ever Need!
This combination of products covers all the bases. It's the comprehensive answer to questions like: "Why does Ms. Pickle look like she took a right hook to the face?"
- 1x Tear Stain Remover Wipes
- 1x Tear Stain Remover Soft Chews 90ct.
- 1x Whitening Shampoo 8oz.
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Let's face it, the most difficult part of getting your dog on track to have a tear stain free face is starting. Committing to a daily tear stain cleaning regimen shows that you are serious about giving your Maltese, Shih Tzu, Bichon Frise, or Poodle a gorgeous white face again.
Well, today is is the perfect day to start, and this is the perfect tear stain kit for you! We have found that the trouble with most tear stain remover solutions is that they ONLY clean your dog's current stains from the fur, but don't combine that cleaning with a long term, immunity building supplement to stop new tear stains from forming. Well stop worrying, because the Petpost Tear Stain Starter Kit is different!
With this kit you will have everything you need to get rid of tear stains! In no time at all Ms. Pickles will have clean, fresh fur around the eyes and back to the dog you knew she was!